Browsing by Author "Young, Norman H."
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Item Against the Odds: The Fight to Free Lindy Chamberlain(2009-01-01) Young, Norman H.This book brings together the judgements, the most famous and insightful essays on the Lindy Chamberlain case, and new material reflecting upon the significance of these events which gripped the nation in the 1980s.
The most important of these is Lindy's own reflections, 25 years later, which reminds us that this case is about that saddest human experience, the death of a child.
Item All Grin and No Cat(1992-01-01) Young, Norman H.Adventists pride themselves on being 'the people of the book', but have we become a grin without a cat? The claim that the Scriptures are our central text is there, but is the substance equally visible?
Item An Analysis of Romans 14:5-6 via the New Perspective on Paul(2009-01-01) Young, Norman H.The Apostle Paul has often been held responsible for transforming the teachings of Jesus the Jew into an anti-Semitic religion of hate. The recent emphasis on Paul’s essential Jewishness and his positive attitude to the Law has given a more historically nuanced picture of the Apostle. This “new perspective” on Paul is somewhat affirmed in this paper’s examination of Romans 14:5-6. Contrary to the opinion of numerous New Testament scholars, a careful analysis of Romans 14:5-6 reveals that Paul is not opposing the Jewish Sabbath. Indeed, it argues that the passage is about a group of festive days, and is not dealing with just a single day (the Sabbath) in contrast with no holy day at all. Furthermore, the dispute over foods is to be related to the festive days discussed in vv. 5-6. However, Paul’s main concern is not when the Roman churches gather for fellowship meals, nor indeed the nature of the viands. His prime, perhaps his only, desire is that these fellowship meals be inclusive of Jew and gentile alike in the unity of Christ.
Item An Aristophanic Contrast To Philippians 2.6–7(1999-01-01) Young, Norman H.Commentators often note that the emphasis in Phil 2.6–7 on Christ's selfless giving is quite contrary to pagan concepts of divinity. N. T. Wright, for example, writes that αρπαγμος, when construed as an abstract noun meaning ‘snatching’, ‘grasping’, or ‘getting’, ‘refers, intransitively, to a particular way of life, namely, that which characterized pagan rulers, and indeed pagan gods and goddesses such as the Philippians might have worshipped in their pre-Christian days’. Yet no commentator to my knowledge has referred to the excellent example of the grasping nature of pagan deities found in Aristophanes’ comedy the Ecclesiazusae (‘Women in Government’).
Item ‘Bearing His Reproach’ (Heb 13.9–14)(2002-01-01) Young, Norman H.Heb 13.9–14 envisages a situation where Christians of a Jewish background are still defining themselves too much by their Levitical heritage. They are still interacting with the synagogue, including participating in religious meals. Hebrews urges the readers to go outside the camp/gate, to sever the ties with Jerusalem, that is, to make a clean break from Judaism both in understanding and in practice. Such a parting may bring abuse, but this is only to follow the way of Jesus. The problem then is not so much an attraction back into Judaism, but a failure to leave it sufficiently in the first place.
Item C.H.Dodd, "Hilaskesthai" and His Critics(1976-01-01) Young, Norman H.Jeremias prefaces his magisterial study on the parables with a tribute to the equally great contribution made by C.H.Dodd. Jeremias remarks that it is inconcievable that future studies will go back behind Dodd; his work, in other words, is the turning point of parable studies, the place of departure for all subsequent investigations. The same is true of Dodd's essay on exilaskomai. At first reading he appears to have said the last word on this debate; the years have not endorsed that first impression. If it has not proved definitive, it remains, however, true, that it is impossible to go back bahind Dodd's study. It may not be final, but it is the point of departure for any present-day study.
Item Did St Paul Compose Romans III:24f?(1974-10-01) Young, Norman H.Romans iii:25 has long been considered an outstanding text within the Pauline corpus; one of the few places where he grapples with the "how" of Christ's passion. It was long thought to be a truism beyond challenge that this was a crucial text at the very heart of Pauline theology. Such immunity to challenge has in recent decades ceased to be the case. [from Introduction].
Item Finding the Decalogue in Unexpected Places(General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2024-08-01) Young, Norman H.Item "Give Us This Day Our Daily Water"(2020-08-29) Young, Norman H.This article discusses the scripture of John who reminds us that Jews did not associate or have dealings with Samaritans.
Item Haimatekchusia: A Comment(1979-03-01) Young, Norman H.A comment on the Dr W. G. Johnsson article about Haimatekchusia in the January 1978 issue of Expository Times.
Item Herold Weiss and Kendra Haloviak Valentine on the Fourth Gospel: A Review(2014-01-01) Young, Norman H.This book review discusses the similar origins that Signs to life and Meditation on According to John have, and how both books are audience focused but have different audiences.
Item 'Hilaskesthai' and Related Words in the New Testament(1983-01-01) Young, Norman H.It has become standard practice since the publication of C. H. Dodd'sl magisterial study on (t~) tA.aOKE09at and cognates in the Greek Bible to translate the New Testament occurrences of this word by 'expiation' or some equivalent term or paraphrase. 2 Although the method that Dodd employed in his analysis of the Septuagint's usage of t~tA.aOKE09at has been challenged, 3 his conclusion that 'expiation' and not 'propitiation' is the more accurate translation in the NT for the iA.aOKEo9at word group has been (and remains) widely accepted.
Item Hugh and Harry: Two West Aussies in the Victorian 2/5th Battalion (A.I.F.)(2008-01-01) Young, Norman H.An act of kindness in 1942 forged a link with a father who died for his country.
Item Imperatives of New Testament Ethics(1983-01-01) Young, Norman H.The New Testament contains many assertions about Christ's historical achievement of salvation. What ethical imperatives grow out of this accomplished fact?
Item Imperatives of Salvation(1982-11-01) Young, Norman H.While it is true that the New Testament writers placed much emphasis on the "indicatives" of salvation, they also placed equal importance on the "imperatives" commands to participate in the salvation already established.
Item Innocence Regained: The Fight to Free Lindy Chamberlain(1989-01-01) Young, Norman H.In October 1982, after the most sensational trial in Australian history, a jury reached a wrong verdict and convicted a young mother, a pastor's wife, of the murder of her baby daughter.
Confronted with a choice of the mother or the dingo, the jury exonerated the animal. And Lindy Chamberlain entered both gaol and Australian folklore.
This book is the story of the successful campaign to overturn the jury's verdict. Norman Young shows how the fight was fought, the battle won. At one end the lobbying of politicians, the reactions of the media; at the other, the patient scientific work on blood and on textiles which resulted in the Crown case being dismantled and discredited. And, finally, research on the characteristics of dingoes and the evidence of Aboriginal trackers, which pointed the finger of guilt directly at the dingo whose tracks circled the tent where the baby Azaria slept. [from back cover of book].
Item Is Hebrews 6:1-8 Pastoral Nonsense?(1982-10-01) Young, Norman H.The difficulty that Hebrews 6:1-8 presents to those in the Calvinist tradition is that these verses seem to teach - contrary to a strict doctrine of election and perseverance - that even true believers (v v 4-5) can fall away (parapesontas, v 6). For those who are not within the Calvinist tradition, the problem of these verses is not the apparent teaching that sincere Christians can fall away, but the statement that it is impossible (adunation, v 4) to renew apostates unto repentance (palin anakainizein eis metanoian, v 6).
Item Jesus - Divinity Revealed in Humility(2002-01-01) Young, Norman H.This book chapter discusses Jesus' divinity and the affirmation of this which can be seen in the bible.
Item Jesus and the Sinners: Some Queries(1985-05-01) Young, Norman H.A comment on Professor E. P. Sanders paper on 'Jesus and the Sinners' in the 1983 issue of Journal for the Study of the New Testament.
Item John Calvin, John Wesley and Ellen White's Steps to Christ: A Comparison(2017-12-01) Young, Norman H.This article discusses John Calvin, John Wesley, Ellen G. White, righteousness by faith, and sanctification.
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