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    The Potential Benefit of Monitoring Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
    (2021-01-01) Grant, Ross; Seyedsadjadi, Neda

    The significant increase in worldwide morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) indicates that the efficacy of existing strategies addressing this crisis may need improvement. Early identification of the metabolic irregularities associated with the disease process may be a key to developing early intervention strategies. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours are well established drivers of the development of several NCDs, but the impact of such behaviours on health can vary considerably between individuals. How can it be determined if an individual’s unique set of lifestyle behaviours is producing disease? Accumulating evidence suggests that lifestyle-associated activation of oxidative and inflammatory processes is primary driver of the cell and tissue damage which underpins the development of NCDs. However, the benefit of monitoring subclinical inflammation and oxidative activity has not yet been established. After reviewing relevant studies in this context, we suggest that quantification of oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers during the disease-free prodromal stage of NCD development may have clinical relevance as a timely indicator of the presence of subclinical metabolic changes, in the individual, portending the development of disease. Monitoring markers of oxidative and inflammatory activity may therefore enable earlier and more efficient strategies to both prevent NCD development and/or monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

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    Saturated Fatty Acid Intake Is Associated With Increased Inflammation, Conversion of Kynurenine to Tryptophan, and Delta-9 Desaturase Activity in Healthy Humans
    (2020-12-17) Grant, Ross; Seyedsadjadi, Neda; Berg, Jade

    Saturated fat ingestion has previously been linked to increases in inflammation. However the relationship between saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake and the kynureine:tryptophan ratio ([Kyn]:[Trp]), a marker of inflammation, has not been previously investigated. This study evaluated in healthy, middle aged, individuals (men = 48, women = 52), potential relationships between SFA intake, red blood cell (RBC) membrane SFAs and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), the [Kyn]:[Trp] ratio, C-reactive protein (CRP), TNF-α and Δ9 desaturase activity. [Kyn]:[Trp] was positively associated with increases in Total fat (P = .034) intake, including Total SFA (P = .029) and Total MUFA (P = .042) intakes. Unexpectedly the [Kyn]:[Trp] ratio was inversely associated with the percentage of Total SFA (P = .004) and positively associated with percentage of Total MUFA (P = .012) present in the RBC membrane. We found a positive association between Δ9 desaturase activity, responsible for the desaturation of a various SFAs to MUFAs, and [Kyn]:[Trp] (P = .008). [Kyn]:[Trp] was also positively associated with CRP (P = .044), however no significant relationship between [Kyn]:[Trp] and TNF-α was found. This study shows for the first time that SFA consumption increases inflammatory pathways linked to increased tryptophan to kynurenine conversion, even in healthy humans. Our data also suggests that SFA linked increases in inflammation occur concomitantly with an upregulation of Δ9 desaturase activity resulting in increased desaturation of SFA substrates to their MUFA derivatives.

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    The Status of Folate, Vitamin B-12 and Homocysteine among Australian Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Teenagers
    (2021-01-08) Morris, Margaret; Pearce, Robyn; Berg, Jade; Bilgin, Ayse A.; Vos, Paul; Grant, Ross; Pawlak, Roman

    Background/Aims: Vegetarians have a high risk of abnormal vitamin B-12 (B-12), and homocysteine (Hcy), status. The objectives included assessment of: 1) folate, B-12, and Hcy status; 2) incidence rate of abnormal folate, B-12, and Hcy; and 3) associations between folate and B-12 with Hcy status among vegetarian and non-vegetarian adolescents.

    Methods: A cross-sectional plasma folate, B-12, and Hcyassessment in 49 vegetarian and 639 non-vegetarian, 14-17 year-old, participants from New South Wales, Australia.

    Results: Mean (range) folate (nmol/L), B-12 (pmol/L), and Hcy (μmol/L), were: 33.4 (9.57-101) vs. 27.7 (2.7-86), p=0.033; 287.81 (134-702) vs. 392.22 (119-1300), p

    Conclusions: B-12 is a nutrient of a concern for vegetarian teenagers. To improve B-12 status, vegetarian adolescents should consume foods fortified with B-12, and/or take B-12 supplements.

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    Acute Caffeine Intake in Humans Reduces Post Exercise Performance in Learning and Memory
    (2021-05-03) Grant, Ross; Seyed Sadjadi, Neda; Salonikas, Chris; Cooper, Jesse; Berg, Jade


    To clarify the acute effect of caffeine on postexercise memory and learning performance.


    Eight male slow‐to‐normal caffeine metabolizers, unhabituated to caffeine, were recruited into this randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, cross over study. Caffeine (150 mg) or the placebo was consumed one hour prior to two 30 min submaximal cycling sessions. Blood was collected at the beginning, after 20 and 35 min of exercise and 30 min postexercise. Mature brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and proBDNF concentrations were determined. Auditory memory was assessed immediately, 30 min and 24 h postexercise.


    Participants averaged lower scores in every measure of learning and memory after ingesting caffeine compared to the placebo. Although the mean did not differ significantly for all measures, significant differences were found between the caffeine and placebo groups for the three indices; learning over time, short‐term index and retroactive interference. The ratio of serum mBDNF:proBDNF increased with exercise across all time points. No significant difference in the mBDNF:proBDNF ratio was observed between treatment groups.


    The consumption of caffeine prior to exercise may impair an unhabituated individual's capacity to learn and recall auditory information postexercise. However it is yet to be elucidated whether this is through caffeine's modulating effects on brain BDNF.

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    Testofen® (Fenugreek extract) Increases Strength and Muscle Mass Compared to Placebo in Response to Calisthenics: A Randomized Control Trial
    (2020-06-25) Grant, Ross; Mallard, Alistair R.; Rao, Amanda J.

    This randomised, placebo controlled, double‐blind study aimed to examine changes in muscular strength and endurance, body composition, functional threshold power, and sex hormones in response to an 8‐week calisthenic programme with daily supplementation with Testofen® (Fenugreek extract) or a placebo. A total of 138 male participants (25‐47yrs) were enrolled and randomized to three equal groups: 600 mg Testofen®/day, 300 mg Testofen®/day or placebo. Muscle strength and endurance, functional threshold power, body composition, and sex hormones were measured at baseline, weeks 4 and 8. Participants completed a whole‐body calisthenic programme three times a week. All groups improved their maximal leg press from baseline to 8 weeks, however, both Testofen® treated groups improved more than placebo (P < .05). The 600 mg group showed decreases in body mass of 1.2 kg, −1.4% body fat and an increase in lean mass (1.8%) at 8 weeks. The 600 mg group also demonstrated an increase in testosterone concentration from baseline to 8 weeks. This study indicates that Testofen® may be an effective ergogenic aid for individuals wanting to rapidly improve their exercise performance capabilities and body composition above and beyond that of calisthenic exercise alone.

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    The Effect of Trigonella foenum‐graecum Extract on Prostate‐specific Antigen, and Prostate Function in Otherwise Healthy men with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
    (2020-03-04) Grant, Ross; Rao, Amanda

    The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effect of a standardised Trigonella foenum‐graecum (Fenugreek) extract on the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) using a double‐blind randomised placebo controlled design. The study recruited 100 healthy males aged between 45 and 80 years with symptoms of BPH who recorded a minimum score of eight on the International Prostate Symptom Score. Participants were randomised to an oral dose of either 600mg Trigonella foenum‐graceum per day or placebo for 12 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the International Prostate Symptom Score total and subdomain scores. The secondary outcomes were serum levels of the hormones (testosterone, free testosterone, and sex hormone binding globulin) prostate‐specific antigen, and safety markers. The results indicated that Trigonella foenum‐graceum did not have an effect on improving the symptoms of BPH. Hormone levels, safety markers, and prostate‐specific antigen remained unchanged and within normal limits after 12 weeks, which adds to the safety profile of this specialised extract.

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    Increased Consumption of Plant Foods is Associated with Increased Bone Mineral Density
    (2020-04-01) Grant, Ross; Seyed Sadjadi, Neda; Berg, Jade


    To determine the relationship between plant food consumption and bone mineral density (BMD) in a healthy population when age, gender, BMI and physical activity are accounted for.


    Cross-sectional study.


    Participants were recruited from the Sydney Adventist hospital and the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.


    33 males and 40 females (total n=73) participated in this study. The mean age was 56.1 ± 8.5 years. All participants were non-diabetic and in general good health.


    A principle component analysis (PCA) was performed on 12 month self-report food intake data, gathered using the Cancer Council Victoria Dietary Questionnaire for Epidemiological Studies Version 2. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure total BMD. Fasting plasma total protein, calcium and 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D levels were analysed by the Sydney Adventist Hospital pathology laboratory. Anthropometric measures were obtained using a standardized protocol. Self-reported physical activity levels were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire.


    The PCA revealed three principle components. These were termed ‘Meat Based’, ‘Junk Food’ and ‘Plant Based.’ After controlling for age, gender, physical activity and BMI, the Plant Based component correlated positively with BMD (p=0.054, R2=0.439) and T-score (p=0.053, R2=0.221). Using a similar model no association between the Meat Based component and BMD or T-score was found. However, when the Plant Based component was included the Meat Based component correlated positively with BMD (p=0.046, R2=0.474) and T-score (p=0.046, R2=0.279). There was no significant association between the Junk Food component and BMD or T-score. People in the third Plant (927 ± 339 vs 751 ± 255 g/day, p=0.025) and Meat Based (921 ± 270 vs 676 ± 241 g/day, p=0.002) tertile had higher calcium intakes than those in the first. People in the second Plant Based tertile had higher plasma Vitamin D levels than those in the first (63.5 ± 16.8 vs. 52.3 ± 22.1 nmol/L, p=0.053) while those in the third Junk Food tertile had lower levels than those in the first (52.4 ± 18.5 vs. 65.4 ± 19.8 nmol/L, p=0.027). No association between Plant Based tertiles and protein intake was observed, however those in the third Meat Based (99.7 ± 25.1 vs. 50.9 ± 13.8 g/day, p=0.000) and Junk Food (87.4 ± 30.7 vs. 56.6 ± 22.2 g/day, p=0.000) tertile had higher protein intake compared to those in the first tertile.


    In a healthy middle aged population with normal BMD, an increase in plant food consumption, either alone or in combination with a diet containing meat, is associated with improved bone mineralisation markers. This positive relationship is most likely due to the extensive range of micronutrients and phytochemicals packaged within plants.