TEACH Journal

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TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the Christian education Research Centre at Avondale University and is published by Avondale Academic Press. It is part of The Ministry of Teaching, a collaborative initiative of Adventist Schools Australia and shared stakeholders. Publication began in 2007 to fulfil shared purposes including affirming and informing established educators, attracting and supporting young adults in choosing and committing to a teaching career and empowering Christian education communities.

Journal content demonstrates exemplary practice, reports current research, reviews philosophical and theoretical positions and recounts the potential for satisfaction and fulfilment in the change agent role of effective teaching.

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Search Results

  • Publication
    Transforming Classroom Practice
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Christian, Beverly; Hills, Bree

    Is it possible to link biblical principles and a school behaviour plan to encourage students to live in the presence of God?

  • Publication
    Faith Formation: Perceptions of Primary and High School Students in Australian Adventist Schools
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Kilgour, Peter; Christian, Beverly

    Faith formation is a topic of considerable interest

    for those involved in Christian education. In

    this quantitative investigation, 580 students

    from Years Four, Six, Eight and Ten from eleven

    Adventist schools in Australian were surveyed

    to determine their perspectives of their own

    faith formation in four areas of their lives: Vision,

    Gospel, Lordship and Presence. Additional items

    measured student satisfaction with their Biblical

    Studies classes. The results indicated that

    students, on the whole, were positive about their

    faith formation. Trends revealed that younger

    students overall were more positive towards

    their faith and Biblical Studies classes than high

    school students with a gradual decline in levels

    of agreement with survey items as the Year levels


  • Publication
    Why Did My Mentor Teacher Only Give Me a Credit?: The Lonely Task of Grading Your Pre-Service Teacher
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2012-01-01) Kilgour, Andrew; Kilgour, Peter; Christian, Beverly

    The placement of pre-service teachers in

    schools to integrate theoretical learning with

    practical experience is an integral component

    of many tertiary education courses. Issues with

    both the reliability and validity of assessment

    grades in a workplace environment suggest

    a call to strengthen the level of academic

    rigour of these placements. In this study,

    professional development lecturers in one

    education program [Avondale College of Higher

    Education, NSW] constructed a standardsbased

    grading rubric designed to assist mentor

    teachers assess the performance of pre-service

    teachers. After implementation of the rubric

    for two Professional Experience sessions,

    mentor teachers were surveyed to assess the

    effectiveness and usefulness of the grading

    rubric. Results from quantitative and qualitative

    data found the grading rubric to be a vital tool in

    the assessment process. Benefits of the grading

    rubric included accuracy and consistency of

    grading, ability to identify specific areas of

    desired development and facilitation of mentor

    to pre-service teacher feedback. This research

    asserts that the assessment grading rubric was

    a useful tool for all three parties concerned: the

    course supervisor, the mentor teacher and the

    pre-service teacher.

  • Publication
    Holy Work with Children: Making Meaning Together
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2022-04-01) Christian, Beverly

    Holy work with children : Making meaning together is the culmination of personal experience and qualitative research by Campen (2021), children's ministry pastor and director of the Discipleship of the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church in San Antonio, Texas.

  • Publication
    Wellbeing Notebook - Up a Tree or in the Mud: How Nature-Based Free Play Contributes to the Wellbeing of Children
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-12-01) Christian, Beverly; Hillsdon, Dianne

    Dianne Hillsdon is an experienced classroom teacher and administrator who has noticed a decline in children’s wellbeing during the last 30 years. Most children live a highly managed life, full of structured activities organised and supervised by adults and while these activities may develop specific skills, they do not necessarily build confidence and resilience that transfer to new situations. Dianne notes that we live in a risk adverse society and so children are often not open to taking acceptable risk.

  • Publication
    After the Earthquake: Adult Reflections on Adolescent Experiences of a Natural Disaster
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-12-01) Christian, Beverly; Fitzsimmons, Phil; Pratt, Michaela Marie

    This ‘living memory’ study (Smith, 2018, p. 78) investigated the perceived psychoemotional experiences of four senior high school students at one Christian school during and after the February 22, 2011, Christchurch New Zealand earthquake. The literature revealed that children and adolescents might be impacted socially, emotionally and academically by earthquakes, resulting in mental health issues ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder to post- traumatic growth in the victims. Using a qualitative case study and narrative inquiry approach, participants were interviewed seven years after the earthquake. Responses were qualitatively analysed, and coded allowing for the emergence of an Earthquake Impact Profile (EIP) for each respondent. These profiles revealed several mitigating factors that helped the participants personally cope with the stress immediately after the earthquake struck, and in the following months and years.

  • Publication
    As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-10-01) Christian, Beverly

    In her recent book, aptly named As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God, Nina Atcheson follows many other Christian authors in tackling the topic of how to study the Bible. Atcheson has written this book in a refreshingly honest and sensitive manner. There are many books on how to study the Bible, but I found a number of features set this book apart.

  • Publication
    Wellbeing Notebook: Time-in or Time-out? Dealing with Stress-related Reactions of Indigenous Students
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-10-01) Christian, Beverly; Walsh, Joyanne

    Working for the wellbeing of indigenous students can be challenging, especially when a difficult home or school situation rouses them emotionally to the extent that it impacts their capacity to engage in learning and/or appropriate social behaviour.

  • Publication
    Frog Ponds and Baby Beanies: How One School Fosters Student and Teacher Wellbeing Through Connecting with their Community
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-10-01) Charleson, Peter; Christian, Beverly

    The Context It is Tuesday afternoon at Prescott College, a Seventh-day Adventist high school in an inner suburb of Adelaide. Students and teachers are packing up their books, pens, computers and folders. But next, some are gathering garden tools, others are setting up a puppet theatre and still others are tuning up musical instruments. Students and teachers are all engaged in purposeful activity. It is service learning time, a program that fosters wellbeing for both students and staff.

  • Publication
    Wellbeing Notebook: New Idea or Old Wisdom?
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2018-11-01) Christian, Beverly

    In a series of introductory classes on wellbeing in schools this year, my primary pre-service students and I looked at wellbeing from four different perspectives.

TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the School of Education and Science under the auspices of Avondale College of Higher Education, NSW, Australia and its governing and affiliated bodies.Views expressed in the journal are not necessarily those of the publisher or stakeholders. Also, the publisher is not responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised.