TEACH Journal
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TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the Christian education Research Centre at Avondale University and is published by Avondale Academic Press. It is part of The Ministry of Teaching, a collaborative initiative of Adventist Schools Australia and shared stakeholders. Publication began in 2007 to fulfil shared purposes including affirming and informing established educators, attracting and supporting young adults in choosing and committing to a teaching career and empowering Christian education communities.
Journal content demonstrates exemplary practice, reports current research, reviews philosophical and theoretical positions and recounts the potential for satisfaction and fulfilment in the change agent role of effective teaching.
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Search Results
Publication Vision for Learning (Part I): A Tool for Educators to Assist in the Detection and Treatment of Vision Difficulties(Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Shields, Marion; Forbes, MarciaPublication Post-School Transition-Preparation for High School Students with Disabilities: A Vital Issue for Special Education(Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Shields, Marion; Lawson, JodyThis article discusses why the post-secondary transition of high school students with disabilities is so important and notes research which suggests that many schools struggle to achieve the desired outcomes when it comes to the successful transitioning of young disabled youth into post-schooling life.
Publication The Essential 55: An Award Winning Educator’s Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child(Avondale Academic Press, 2008-01-01) Shields, MarionPublication Surviving the First Year: What Helps Principals Last the Distance?(Avondale Academic Press, 2008-01-01) Shields, MarionThis research study investigated the induction experiences and perceptions of a group of novice principals in a national, Christian, independent school system. Semi-structured interviews were used to generate discussion, elicit experiences and present recommendations about providing support for novice principals. The study found that eight of the nine principals experienced difficulties with role clarification, administration issues, financial management, time management and the isolation in the principal’s position. Initial shock in the role, policy development, lack of leadership training, staff relationships and information overload were also serious issues for the group. From both the literature and the interviewees’ perceptions and comments, recommendations for systemic improvements are made regarding the needs of newly appointed principals.
Publication Managing Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) from a Christian School's Perspective(Avondale Academic Press, 2022-04-01) Shields, MarionOppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) was at first, anecdotally, considered to be unacceptable behaviour by children who had been poorly managed. However, by 1980 a specific definition and description had been made. ODD is a serious juvenile mental health concern causing extreme distress to both parents and educators.
This paper has been written from a Christian perspective and describes the criteria for a diagnosis as well as its incidence. Research has been ongoing and a number of known links to the condition are detailed. The greater part of the paper focuses on effective, evidence-based strategies together with succinct summaries. These include teaming with parents, the school team, classroom structure and management, pedagogy and engagement, relating to the child and teacher well-being.
Publication Managing Unsatisfactory Teaching Performance in the Classroom: A Christian Approach(Avondale Academic Press, 2020-12-01) Shields, MarionAn area that is the cause of much angst and even heartache for educational leaders is the responsibility of managing unsatisfactory performance of staff members. This paper addresses the topic, and provides a step by step process that includes adherence to legislation, fairness for both leaders and employees, and more importantly, fairness for students who are the recipients of unsatisfactory teaching performance. The approach used within this paper is centred within a Christian worldview. Micah 6:8 (NIV) summarises this perspective: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Publication Boys and Behaviour: Alternative Strategies That Support Boys with ADHD(Avondale Academic Press, 2010-01-01) Shields, Marion; Reid, KathrynBoys are diagnosed five times more often than girls with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and frequently medication has become the first option in addressing this condition. Many teachers find it difficult to cope with boys with ADHD due to a lack of understanding about ADHD symptoms and boys’ personalities. This research study examined current practices used for boys with behaviour problems as well as trialling a number of alternative approaches such as music therapy, aromatherapy, yoga, building and construction, gardening and computer generated learning. During the implementation phase, teachers were closely observed and then participated in an indepth interview with the researcher. The data revealed behavioural improvements when using the alternative strategies and demonstrated that these methods may be a better option than medication for some boys with behavioural problems, including ADHD.
Publication Joys, Tensions and Issues: Special Needs Provisions in an Australian, Christian, Education System 2009 / 2010(Avondale Academic Press, 2011-01-01) Shields, MarionThis research project investigated the current provisions for students with special needs (SWSN) in a national, Australian, Christian school system (49 schools) during 2009–2010. Most respondents were the designated special needs teachers in those schools; however, in some of the small schools the principal also carried this role. In addition to the quantitative data reported via questionnaires, respondents were able to comment on relevant issues and possible solutions, as they perceived them. Issues and tensions included managing limited funding for SWSN in non-government schools; a lack of appropriate qualifications for staff who worked with SWSN; enrolment of SWSN and a changing school profile; lack of networking and sharing between the schools in the system; and diagnosis for students with special needs. Results indicated that 16% of the students had special needs, 28% of the schools did not have any designated special needs staff, while a further 36% did not have qualified staff in this role. The paper includes discussion of the evidence-based issues facing these schools and the system, together with a number of recommendations for improvement.
Publication Watch Out for 'Jack', he's a Real Challenge(Avondale Academic Press, 2018-11-01) Shields, Marion; Maggs, BiancaFoetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) is a cluster of conditions that are the result of prenatal exposure to alcohol. Children with FASD may have noticeable facial features as well as intellectual, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Providing a loving, structured and supervised learning environment has significant positive impacts on the development of a child with FASD. A teacher can assist a student with special needs in reaching their full potential, through establishing an effective individualized learning plan and building strong relationships with the child and guardian.
Publication What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education: Using Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies(Avondale Academic Press, 2018-08-01) Shields, Marion