TEACH Journal

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/587

TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the Christian education Research Centre at Avondale University and is published by Avondale Academic Press. It is part of The Ministry of Teaching, a collaborative initiative of Adventist Schools Australia and shared stakeholders. Publication began in 2007 to fulfil shared purposes including affirming and informing established educators, attracting and supporting young adults in choosing and committing to a teaching career and empowering Christian education communities.

Journal content demonstrates exemplary practice, reports current research, reviews philosophical and theoretical positions and recounts the potential for satisfaction and fulfilment in the change agent role of effective teaching.

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Search Results

  • Publication
    Some Lessons in Leadership Learnt in My 44 Years in Education
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Ecclestone, Ross

    In this brief article I seek not to canvass or decry

    the latest theories of management, but to draw

    together the strands of what seem to me, after 44

    years, to be the essence of practical leadership.

  • Publication
    Models of Christian Education
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2013-01-01) Collier, John

    In early 21st century Australia, proponents of Christian faith are in an Acts (Acts 17:6,22 NIV) situation: we contend amidst the smorgasbord of multiple faiths and designer spiritualities, where any sense that Christian faith is privileged by culture, history or exclusive truth claims, is rapidly eroding. In this multi-faith, pluralistic and the increasingly secular environment, we are ironically surrounded, like Paul in ancient Athens, with many Gods, mostly of a secular nature. The Christian church needs to discover effective ways to communicate the unchanging truth of the Gospel into a society which is undergoing rapid change in its belief systems, methods of communication and modes of learning, and amidst a cacophony of messages and sounds which trumpet different world views.

  • Publication
    Give Them Some Truth
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2012-01-01) Standish, James
  • Publication
    MJR 24/7: A Book for Life
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2020-07-01) Cameron, Karyn

    In a world of shifting sands, young people are often left to navigate unchartered pathways in life with very little guidance, other than their peers and the media. Parents find themselves unsure of how best to help, overwhelmed with their own workloads, lack of certainty and change. Even those families who are working with great intention to speak and guide the lives of their children, often feel that the deafening voices of society are weakening their sphere of influence. As a result, society, families, and young people look to schools to support and, at times, fill the role of positive guides in this world.

  • Publication
    Book Launch: Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2020-07-01) Stacey, Brenton

    A book compiled by two Avondale academics launched on Thursday February 27, 2020 will encourage Christian educators in any learning environment to more naturally and creatively reveal Jesus to their students.

  • Publication
    On Teaching the History of the Holocaust: A View from the United States
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2019-10-01) Brittingham, Matthew H.

    Teaching the history of the Holocaust is certainly complicated in a number of educational settings. However, in the attempt to make the Holocaust relevant we are all susceptible to glossing over key historical facts. Since we live an age of some anxiety over the future of Holocaust memory and Holocaust education, educators should teach Holocaust history without flattening it, providing an approach that wrestles with the specificities of the Holocaust and contextual factors in the lives of individuals.

  • Publication
    Strategies to Address Educational Needs of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2017-11-01) Lennox, Madelyn; Shields, Marion

    This paper addresses some of the educational needs of students with hearing impairments, for this group has unique learning needs especially in relation to language acquisition. Throughout the course of history there have been two dominant approaches to deaf education, oral (speech) and manual (sign language). Despite conflicting opinions between medical professionals and educators in the field of Deaf education, current research suggests that flexibility and an openness to utilise a combination according to the individual needs of the students is the best approach to forming language proficiency. This paper will use these findings to suggest a holistic range of effective management strategies for educators, which target the physical, academic, social, emotional and communicative wellbeing of deaf students.

  • Publication
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Perry, Graeme
TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the School of Education and Science under the auspices of Avondale College of Higher Education, NSW, Australia and its governing and affiliated bodies.Views expressed in the journal are not necessarily those of the publisher or stakeholders. Also, the publisher is not responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised.