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Item Abbott, George Knapp (1880–1959) and Cora Mae Richards (1877–1953)(2021-07-01) Hook, MiltonGeorge Abbott, physician and author, was the first dean of what became the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University and served for more than three decades in the roles of medical director and surgeon at leading Adventist sanitariums. Dr. Cora Richards Abbott, an obstetrician, engaged in medical ministry in tandem with her husband.
Item Abbott, Malcolm Edwin (1909–1942) and Una Frances (Sprengel) (1906–1993)(2020-07-01) Devine, LesterMalcolm Edwin Abbott was the superintendent of the Seventh-day Adventist Mission in New Guinea when he was taken as a civilian internee during World War II in Rabaul, New Guinea, and subsequently lost his life at the age of 33. His wife, Una Frances “Fran” Sprengel, served at the Sydney Adventist Hospital from 1944 until 1971.
Item ACA Health Benefits Fund, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonThe ACA Health Benefits Fund is a fund into which church employees and local church officers can contribute so that it can assist with the payment of medical costs accrued by insured individuals.
Item Adair, George Ernest (1895–1969)(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonGeorge Adair provided 37 years of sound management in Sanitarium Health Food Company and Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital in the Australasian Union Conference, ensuring the viability of these institutions in both the depression and the years of World War II.
Item Adair, Reginald Harold (1898–1972) and Leila (Thomas) (1897–1982)(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonReginald “Reg” and Leila Adair served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia, at the General Conference headquarters, and in the Far East, specifically the China Division during the time of the Communist takeover.
Item Adams, Richard Melville (1880–1931) and Miriam (Currow) (1880–1965)(2020-07-01) Oliver, BarryRichard and Miriam Adams commenced their married lives as early missionaries on Pitcairn Island. After five years on Pitcairn they spent nine years in self-supporting medical ministry on Norfolk Island
Item Adelaide Electro-Hydropathic Institute and Sanitarium(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonThe Adelaide Electro-Hydropathic Institute and Sanitarium was opened in July 1899, the brainchild of Alfred Semmens. It existed for ten years as a struggling institution until it was superseded by the Adelaide Sanitarium which was opened at another site in 1908.
Item Adopt-A-Clinic, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonPrior to the establishment of the Adopt-A-Clinic project, John Morris, a Seventh-day Adventist layman, initiated a program to give basic medical kits to Fijian clinics. The enterprise functioned from 1992 through 1996, and he made arrangements to restart the service in 2002, a concept germane to the later Adopt-A-Clinic program.
Item ADRA - South Pacific (ADRA SP)(2020-07-01) Lockton, Harwood A.The administrative structure of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) comprises three levels: ADRA International (ADRA I) headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A., seven regional offices covering most of the world, and some 130 country offices.
Item ADRA Australia(2020-07-01) Watson, BradThe Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Australia (ADRA/A) was established in Australia in 1978 to provide assistance to people in the South Pacific region. Initially referred to as the Seventh-day Adventist World Service in Australia (SAWS/A), the fledgling organisation was attached to the Australasian Division of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church and operated as a branch of the global SAWS organization with headquarters in Washington D. C.
Item ADRA New Zealand (ADRA NZ)(2020-07-01) Lockton, Harwood A.The Adventist Development and Relief Agency New Zealand (ADRA NZ) is the official humanitarian non-government organization (NGO) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Zealand.
Item ADRA Solomon Islands(2020-07-01) Lounsbury, LynnetteThe Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) office of the Solomon Islands began its work during the late 1980s. Initially, the goal of ADRA Solomon Islands was to provide relief support to the people of the Solomon Islands, many of whom faced continuing climate crises and natural disasters. This mission expanded to include health education, peace initiatives, and small business support as the office gained local credibility and experience.
Item Adrian, Herbert William (1902–1937)(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonHerbert William Adrian served as secretary and treasurer for the Tasmanian Conference and the Fiji Mission.
Item AdSAFE, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonAdSAFE is an entity established to address domestic violence and sexual abuse within the Seventh-day Adventist church community in Australasia. Its mandate includes providing information and resources concerning the various forms of abuse, training employees and church members to combat abuse, supporting victims of abuse, investigating allegations of abuse, and cooperating with law enforcement authorities in cases of abuse that appear in the civil courts.
Item Advent Correspondence School, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonCorrespondence courses were available through the Church in the South Pacific between 1925 and the mid-1990s. These courses were delivered by a number of means including the Fireside Correspondence School and the Advent Correspondence School.
Item Adventist Alpine Village, Australia(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonAdventist Alpine Village is a camp and conference center owned and operated by the South New South Wales Conference in Australia. It hosts the annual camp meeting of the conference as well as several specialized camps. It is located in the Snowy Mountains of Australia and provides a variety of accommodation options for families and groups to enjoy this unique environment.
Item Adventist Institute of Family Relations, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Oliver, BarryThe Adventist Institute of Family Relations in the South Pacific Division was established by Bryan Craig, family ministries director of the South Pacific Division. It is located in the headquarters office of the South Pacific Division.
Item Adventist Professional(2020-07-01) Gane, BarryAdventist Professional was a journal produced by the Association of Business and Professional Men in Australia beginning in 1989.
Item Adventist Retirement Villages, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Hook, MiltonIn the post-World War II era the number of Seventh-day Adventist retirement villages in the South Pacific Division has steadily increased. General provisions usually include church facilities on site or nearby, a visiting chaplain, fully trained nurses for high-care residents, medical and dental assistance by appointment, library and television facilities, and periodic social outings. All institutions are subsidized by the Australian federal government.
Item Adventist Tertiary Students Associations, South Pacific Division(2020-07-01) Kross, NickThe Adventist Student associations in the South Pacific Division give opportunity for Adventist students to support one other through conventions, camp meetings, and outreach events. Approximately 20,000 students across the Division are involved.