Re-generation: The Missional Imperative of Christian Schooling

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Avondale Academic Press


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We live in a time where the Christian church and our Christian faith have been pushed to society's peripherals. Operating in environments that are increasingly secular, where consumerism abounds, it can be easy to define Christian schooling in almost oppositional terms. There is another way. What if those of us involved in Christian schooling were to reimagine Christian education through a shared missional lens grounded in the foundation of the Missio Dei (God's Mission)? The potential of the missional lens for Christian schooling is considerable. It grounds the Christian school movement, and the identity of the teacher, in the larger biblical narrative. Additionally, with each generation invited to engage in mission in a way that is contextual, it allows for a multiplicity of ways to participate in the outworking of God's mission within the context and setting in which each school has been placed.


Used by permission: the author(s).


Christian education, cultural change, identity, missional lens, transformation, unification


Pearce, C., & Prior, C. (2023). Re-generation: The missional imperative of Christian schooling. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 17(1), 25-27.

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