Lounsbury, JimLounsbury, LynnetteRickett, CarolynMorton, Darren2023-11-012023-11-012021-03-012022-03-22<p>Morton, D. (2021, March 1). <em>7 Dimensions of wellness: Episode 1 - Emotionally thriving</em> [Video]. Vimeo. <a href="https://vimeo.com/529277420/a98f7de255">https://vimeo.com/529277420/a98f7de255</a></p>https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/28401703<p>The "7 Dimensions of Wellness" is a 9-part short documentary series that explores pathways for enhancing our overall health and wellbeing. Join Darren Morton as he speaks to leading experts, conducts fun experiments and presents fascinating insights into how we can live our best life.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: the author.</p>lifestyle medicineemotional intelligence7 Dimensions of Wellness: Emotionally ThrivingRecorded or Rendered Work - Audio/Visual Recording