Collis, Andy2023-11-012023-11-012016-08-012016-10-12<p>Collis, A. (2016).<em> Self portrait</em> [Paint on canvas]. Gosford Regional Gallery, East Gosford, Australia.</p><p>Through the display of the researcher's edited interview, alongside the painted self-portrait of the researcher, and the large photograph (1.8m x 1m) of the researcher's studio space, significant contribution to the exhibition 'Room for art: Artists and their creative spaces' was facilitated. The exhibition enabled a diverse cross-section of working approaches by 23 artists to allow consideration of the impact of environment, or how practice research and individuality shapes the working creative environment.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: the author (artist)</p>assemblagepaintingSelf PortraitCreative Work