Williams, AnthonyNorthcote, Maria T.Barnes, LisaLong, Warrick R.2023-11-012023-11-012019-07-012019-07-18<p>Long, W., Barnes, L., Northcote, M., & Williams, A. (2019). <em>The challenges of being an accounting academic: What we can learn from the literature bricolage</em>. Paper presented at the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Retrieved from http://www.afaanzconference.com/</p>https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/14954580<p>This study specifically targets research done in the area of the Accounting Academic. A search of the literature has shown that there are many challenges faced by Accounting Academics in this environment of change. These challenges have been narrowed down into the top four most discussed themes of teaching, research, workload and curricula design. The University Accounting Academic environment is not unlike an ecosystem of interacting organisms or stakeholders which impacts in a variety of ways. These create pressure points that Accounting Academics experience and which they value, are challenged by, or affects their outlook. Accounting Academics are frequently not fully informed about these changes, and may not fully understand them and, as a consequence of not having the power to hold back these changes, Accounting Academics have little option other than to adapt. These changes challenge the traditional perception of a university accounting academic, which can cause role conflict. The traditional accounting academic role then may not align with the expectations of the role held by other parties such as university administrators, accrediting bodies or students. A review of the literature suggests that Accounting Academics are under much pressure from stakeholders to produce quality research, teach larger classes with up to date curriculum all the while trying to balance workload. The challenge ahead is how Universities will manage these workloads of Accounting Academics in the University of the future.</p>en-usAccounting AcademicStakeholder EngagementUniversity WorkloadsThe Challenges of Being an Accounting Academic: What we Can Learn from the Literature BricolageConference Publication