Rice, Leigh2023-11-012023-11-011983-01-012013-05-23<p>Rice, L. (1983).<em> Marriage and faith: Ministry to couples where one partner is a Seventh-day Adventist</em> (Master's project). Andrews University, Avondale Campus, Australia</p>https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/04170547<p>Problem:</p> <p>A considerable number of Seventh-day Adventists are partners in interfaith marriages. These relationships experience the added stress typical of such marriages. No research appears to have been conducted relating to interfaith marriage involving Seventh-day Adventists. The purpose of this research is to understand the dynamics that operate within theses marriages and to devise a Biblically-based ministry programme adapted to the needs of these couples.</p>en-us<p>Project Report (M.A.)</p> <p>Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, Avondale Campus, 1983.</p> <p>Published with permission from Andrews University.</p> <p>Staff and Students of Avondale College may access a print copy of this thesis from Avondale College Library (261.835843 R36).</p>marriageinterfaithcouplesMarriage and Faith: Ministry to Couples Where One Partner is a Seventh-day AdventistThesis