Smedley, AlisonVelo, Karen2023-11-012023-11-012014-02-202014-03-05<p>Velo, K., & Smedley, A. (2014). Using reflection to enhance the teaching and learning of midwifery students<em>. British Journal of Midwifery, 22</em>(2), 129-133. doi:10.12968/bjom.2014.22.2.129</p>0969-4900<p>Preceptorship is a vital role in the development of both undergraduate and postgraduate midwifery students who require input and guidance from more experienced midwives. The preceptor acts as a professional role model to the student: teaching and supporting; providing a learning environment that enables confidence to develop through supervised safe practice; and assisting them to develop knowledge and skills, and adapt to new contexts and new roles within an ever-changing midwifery environment. Using reflection and critical analysis within clinical scenarios is a useful way to provide effective teaching and learning for students. This can also assist the preceptor to develop alternative teaching strategies and develop confidence to try new teaching approaches with students in future encounters. As the role of preceptor comes with great responsibility, the need for flexibility in teaching approaches, according to varied student learning styles, promotes new teaching approaches and confidence in the preceptor. This paper analyses a clinical teaching and learning scenario within a midwifery context and critiques the various teaching strategies utilised to recommend alternative approaches for the registered midwife preceptor.</p>en-us<p>Due to copyright restrictions this article is unavailable for download.</p> <p>Copyright © 2014 Mark Allen Healthcare Ltd</p> <p>This article may be accessed from the publisher<a href=""> here.</a></p>reflectionpreceptorshipUsing Reflection to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Midwifery StudentsJournal Article