Thompson, Steven W.2023-11-012023-11-012022-03-012022-06-01<p>Thompson, S. (2022). Breaking or freeing? Jesus, the Sabbath, and John 5:18. <em>Ministry: International Journal for Pastors, 94</em>(3), 18-21. Retrieved from</p>0026-5314<p>John 5:18 is typically translated, “For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him [Jesus], because he was not only <em>breaking</em> the sabbath . . .” (NRSV; emphasis added). This reading, found in both the King James and the New King James versions of the Bible, naturally leads to a question: Did Jesus really break the Sabbath?</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: <em>Ministry</em>,® International Journal for Pastors, <a href="" title=""></a>.</p>scripturefaithJesusSabbathJohnBreaking or Freeing? Jesus, the Sabbath, and John 5:18Journal Article