McIver, Robert2023-11-012023-11-012012-01-012013-06-16<p>McIver, R. K. (2012). Eyewitnesses as guarantors of the accuracy of the Gospel traditions in the light of psychological research. <em>Journal of Biblical Literature, 131</em>(3), 529-546. doi:10.2307/23488253</p>0021-9231<p>The attention of NT scholarship has been directed by Judith Redman to an important set of data relevant to the ongoing debate concerning the role eyewitnesses may have played in the formation of the gospel traditions.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: Society of Biblical Literature.</p>Redmanmemorymemory errorsEyewitnesses as Guarantors of the Accuracy of the Gospel Traditions in the Light of Psychological ResearchJournal Article