Christian, Beverly J.Kilgour, Peter W.2023-11-012023-11-012017-11-012017-07-13Kilgour, P. W., & Christian, B. J. (2017). Old school or cutting edge? An examination of Ellen G. White's views on education from a best practice twenty-first century perspective. <em>TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 11</em>(2), 34-41. doi:10.55254/1835-1492.1353<p>Ellen White was an inspired writer who was influential in the development of Adventist education in the late nineteenth century. She wrote prolifically on the philosophy of Christian education, its goals and its practice. This article explores her views, as written over a century ago, and compares them with several twenty-first educational concepts that impact pedagogical practice today. The concepts chosen are: neuroplasticity, differentiation, holistic education and well-being, metacognition, education for employability, visible learning and heutagogy. The comparison revealed that when White’s views were analysed in terms of purpose or in terms of underlying principles, they aligned with several educational concepts that are driving pedagogical practice in the twenty-first century.</p>en-usEllen G. Whitetwenty-first century learningneuroplasticitymetacognitionwell-beingOld School or Cutting Edge? An Examination of Ellen G. White's Views on Education from a Best Practice Twenty-First Century PerspectiveJournal Article