Collis, Andy2023-11-012023-11-012013-12-012014-12-09<p>Collis, A. (2013). <em>Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton: A dingo took my baby</em> [Oil on canvas]. Joanne Felk Gallery, Cooranbong, Australia.</p><p>Considering the dynamics of the 22 contributing artists to this exhibition,<br />entitled ‘Breath’, curated by Shelley Poole, I chose to contribute a portrait of<br />Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton. Subtitled ‘A Dingo Took My Baby’, the portrait<br />presents to the viewer the sitter at a point in her life where she has been<br />awarded, by the Government of Australia, a full birth certificate stating that the<br />cause of her six-month old daughter’s disappearance and death was that<br />dingo had taken her. This was vindication of the sitter’s claim, which had been<br />disputed to the extent that she was charged with the murder of the daughter<br />and imprisoned. The group show sort to celebrate and inspire a positive<br />perspective and Christian reflection on life. The image of Lindy – presented as<br />both resilient and at terms with events met the criteria.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: the artist</p>paintingLindy Chamberlain-Creighton: A Dingo Took My BabyCreative Work