Lockton, Harwood A.2023-11-012023-11-012000-01-012019-05-28<p>Lockton, H. (2000). Developing mission and missioning development. In S. Currow (Ed.), <em>Revisioning mission: Avondale's greater vision</em> (pp. 74-85). Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press.</p>https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/14606365<p>This paper argues that firstly, there is a need to understand that Christian, including Adventist, mission must include ministering to the social needs of humanity as an activity in its own right. Secondly there is a need to ensure that our humanitarian, or development activity, does indeed have a mission.</p>en-usmission developmentCambodiaChristiansSeventh-day AdventistsDeveloping Mission and Missioning DevelopmentConference Publication