Puni, ErikaCurrow, Stephen2023-11-012023-11-012000-01-012019-05-28<p>Currow, S. J., & Puni, E. (2000). Mission in the new millennium: Avondale's greater vision. In S. Currow (Ed.), <em>Revisioning mission: Avondale's greater vision </em>(pp. 103-129). Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press.</p>9780959933772 (pbk.)https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/14605186<p>This paper will evaluate current Adventist mission practice, with a special focus on both Avondale and the South Pacific. It will describe the most notable strengths and gaps of Adventist mission, the world in which the Church operates, and explore opportunities, strategies, and the role of Avondale to understand the basis for Avondale's greater vision.</p>en-usmissionmillenniumAvondalevisionMission in the New Millennium: Avondale's Greater VisionConference Publication