Morton, Darren2023-11-012023-11-012012-01-012014-08-12<p>Morton, D. (2012). The complete health improvement program (CHIP). <em>Diabetes Management Journal, 41</em>, 26-27.</p>1833-5365<p>Over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates asserted: "Food and exercise... work together to produce health". Evidence for the wisdom of this Hippocratic council emerged throughout the 20th Century as large epidemiological studies, including the Framingham Heart Study, Nurses Health Study, EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) and the Adventist Health Study, highlighted the relationship between lifestyle and disease.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: Health Publishing Australia, Diabetes Australia and the author.</p>dietlifestyleinterventionThe Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)Journal Article