Robertson, Douglas2023-11-012023-11-011987-11-012013-05-16<p>Robertson, D. (1987).<em> Implementing change through leadership training in Papua New Guinea.</em> (Master's project). Andrews University, Avondale Campus, Australia.</p><p>Problem:</p> <p>Rapid cultural change is being forced upon the people of Papua New Guinea as their country strives to keep pace with its Western neighbours. The effects of that change are being felt by members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as they seek to establish their Christian and cultural identity within their changing society. This project concerns itself with the degree to which trained local church leaders, acting as agents of change, are able to direct their members toward a meaningful and culturally relevant Christian lifestyle.</p>en-us<p>Project Report: (M.A.)</p> <p>Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, Avondale Campus, 1987.</p> <p>Published with permission from Andrews University.</p> <p>Staff and Students of Avondale College may access a print copy of this thesis from Avondale College Library (306.6867995 R54).</p>changechurch leaderscultural changePNGidentityImplementing Change Through Lay Leadership Training in Papua New GuineaThesis