Tasker, David2023-11-012023-11-012008-01-012014-10-09<p>Tasker, D. (2008). Divine fatherhood: Re-examining the paradigm. <em>Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary, 12</em>(2), 109-127.</p>1908-4862https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/06224696<p>This article examines various approaches to the understanding of the father-God concept, recognizing that much that has been said up to this point has been influenced by sources other than either the Hebrew Scriptures or their Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) context.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission: <a href="http://www.aiias.edu/">Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies</a></p> <p>At the time of writing David Tasker was affiliated with Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies.</p>biblereligionDivine Fatherhood: Re-Examining the ParadigmJournal Article