Lounsbury, Lynnette2023-11-012023-11-012015-11-012015-11-30<p>Lounsbury, L. (2015, November). Haunted: Claws and teeth. Creative performance presented at the Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference, Hawthorn, Australia.</p>https://research.avondale.edu.au/handle/123456789/07888356<p>A piece that explores both the concept of haunting as a textual provocateur but also the interaction between the theme and the live performance space – haunting “voiced” as much as “written”.</p> <p><strong></strong>Writers were invited to submit via invitation, but submissions were selected by the Conference creative performance curator. This piece was selected under the sub-genre of “haunted place” and performed in an urban underground space that allowed the writer (as performer) to connect voice with text and space.</p>en-us<p>Used by permission of the <a href="http://www.aawp.org.au/">Australasian Association of Writing Programs</a> and the author.</p>creative writingghost trainperformanceHaunted: Claws and TeethCreative Work