Beer, Claire Annika2023-11-012023-11-012010-11-012018-04-02<p>Beer, C. A. (2010). <em>The impact of a moderate physical activity session on Year Two students' subsequent classroom behaviour</em> (Bachelor's thesis, Avondale College, Cooranbong, Australia). Retrieved from</p><p>Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a moderate physical activity (PA) session on Year Two students' subsequent classroom behaviour.</p> <p>Method: Three teachers and 48 students from three Year Two classes at a NSW private school participated in the study. Phase 1: each teacher was interviewed in an attempt to gather information about their individual class, behaviour management style and personal view on PA as it relates to behaviour. Phase 2: The researchers observed two separate lessons in each classroom (30 mintes duration) for four weeks. A lesson that directly followed PA and one that did not was observed. For each condition researchers recorded the number of disciplinary comments that were directed at individual students (Individual Disciplinary Corrections) and to the class as a whole (General Disciplinary Corrections). Phase 3: The students responded to a questionnaire relating to their classroom behaviour, self-efficacy for PA as well as participation in PA.</p> <p>Results: There was a 49 per cent decrease in disciplinary corrections (p=0.012) after a PA session. Additionally the teachers attitude towards PA's influence on behaviour impacted the rate of on-task behavioural improvement following a PA session. Finally, both boys and girls improved similarly in on-task classroom behaviour following PA.</p> <p>Conclusions: A moderate PA session has a positive effect on Year Two students' classroom on-task subsequent behaviour. These findings may provide educators with an effective strategy to increase student classroom on-task behaviour.</p>en-us<p>Used with permission: the author.</p> <p>A print copy of this thesis is held in the Avondale College Library (SC Theses 371.393 B39).</p>physical activity; behaviour; school; benefitsThe Impact of a Moderate Physical Activity Session on Year Two Students' Subsequent Classroom BehaviourThesis