Managing Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) from a Christian School's Perspective

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Avondale Academic Press
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Before publication

Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) was at first, anecdotally, considered to be unacceptable behaviour by children who had been poorly managed. However, by 1980 a specific definition and description had been made. ODD is a serious juvenile mental health concern causing extreme distress to both parents and educators.

This paper has been written from a Christian perspective and describes the criteria for a diagnosis as well as its incidence. Research has been ongoing and a number of known links to the condition are detailed. The greater part of the paper focuses on effective, evidence-based strategies together with succinct summaries. These include teaming with parents, the school team, classroom structure and management, pedagogy and engagement, relating to the child and teacher well-being.

oppositional defiance disorder (ODD), criteria for diagnosis, behaviour management, evidence-based strategies, teacher stress, teacher well-being

Shields, M. (2022). Managing oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) from a Christian school's perspective. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 16(1), 6-13.

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