School Leader Identification: Perceptions of Australian Faith-Based Education System Employees

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Avondale Academic Press
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Before publication

This article aims to contribute to the literature on school leadership identification. It adopts an Australian faith-based education system case study to explore classroom teacher and school-based administrator perceptions of both current and future school leadership identification practices. This research utilised a qualitative research design, adopting semi-structured interviews to collect employee perceptions. The respondents identify six areas of importance for school leadership identification. These include:1) defining what constitutes excellence at the classroom, school, and system levels of leadership; 2) formalising school leadership identification processes; 3) conversing with early career teachers around school leadership aspirations; 4) improving processes to communicate interest in school leadership roles; 5) heightened levels of communication between school principals and system administrators regarding high potential teacher leaders; and 6) providing school-based opportunities for school leadership development.

school leadership identification, faith-based education, educational administration, teacher leaders, school leadership

Williams, P. (2021). School leader identification: Perceptions of Australian faith-based education system employees. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 15(1), 22-29.

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