A Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infection in Tasmania 2013-2015

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Healthcare associated infections continue to cause substantial patient morbidity and costs to health services. This document to reduce the incidence of these infections in Tasmania by developing a high quality, consistent infection prevention and control strategy across the state. In the past few years, Tasmania has been actively engaged in prevention through the work of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC). This strategy complements and supports the work of the ACSQHC, as well as National Safety and Quality Standards for Healthcare Services. The strategy outlines the overarching objectives for HAI prevention in the coming years. Specific aims for the TIPCU and the THOs are subsequently detailed.

infection control, infection prevention, strategy, government

Mitchell, B., Wells, A., Wilson, F. & McGregor, A. (2013). A strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare associated infection Tasmania 2013-2015. Hobart, Australia: Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from https://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/186868/Tasmanian_Infection_Prevention_and_Control_Unit.pdf

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