”Call Up Samuel”: Who Appeared to the Witch at En-Dor? (1 Sam 28:3-25)

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Used by permission: Andrews University Seminary Studies and the author.

Copyright © 2014 Andrews University Seminary Studies.

At the time of writing Grenville Kent was affiliated with Avondale College as a Conjoint Senior Lecturer.


Interpreters have been divided on whether the figure who appeared to the witch and spoke to Saul was the post mortem Samuel or a demon impersonating Samuel to deceive Saul. This chapter argues for the second view, because the context involves Canaanite conjuring ritual; the medium speaks as a polytheist; the meal is part of the ritual; Saul has shown vulnerability to fortune-telling and the demonic; the rebuke by the apparent Samuel unfairly escalates Saul’s punishment, complains about ‘bringing me up’, and ignores the most obvious issue; the apparent Samuel’s predictions are questionable; Torah allusions offer clear guidance; the woman is a mixed character; and the narrator uses focalisation (or narration from one characters viewpoint) in saying Samuel appeared.

En-Dor, witch, Samuel, Saul

Kent, G. J. R. (2014). ”Call Up Samuel”: Who appeared to the Witch at En-Dor? (1 Sam 28:3-25). Andrews University Seminary Studies, 52(2), 141-160. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/

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