From Part to Whole: Synergy and the Assembled Trajectory

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Used by permission: Common Ground Publishing

The author's accepted version, which is available to download, is not the final published article available from the publisher.


The compositional flexibility inherent in an aesthetic compositional system such as the grid, and in the convention of assemblage, offer artist’s with a structural freedom to explore some evocative compositional possibilities. Examples of such possibilities can be seen in the assembled "trajectories" attending works which utilize a contiguous arrangement of discreet parts. A trajectory could be described as a discernable visual "logic," or visual coherence amongst distinct yet neighboring parts in a work, and in some cases, also their potential direction of interpretation. Such a trajectory may exhibit a unity of structure and fluidity of interpretation for the viewer, so that they may be able to discern a palpable synergism amongst dissimilar parts. This paper will look at a selection of works which can be seen to employ the grid and/or assemblage for the purpose of forming evocative linear trajectories. Common to each of the works explored, is the compositional juxtaposition of discreet components which have been utilized for the purpose of forming such trajectories. Each work will be discussed on the basis of the viewer’s perceptual encounter with specific trajectories identified in each work.

technique, perception

Morris, R. (2015). From part to whole: Synergy and the assembled trajectory. International Journal of the Image, 5(3/4), 17-23. doi:10.18848/2154-8560/CGP/v05i3-4/44164

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