Healthcare-Associated Infections in Australia: Tackling the 'Known Unknowns'

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© 2017 CSIRO

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At the time of writing Philip Russo was affiliated with Avondale College of Higher Education.


Australia does not have a national healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance program. Without national surveillance, we do not understand the burden of HAIs, nor can we accurately assess the effects of national infection prevention initiatives. Recent research has demonstrated disparity between existing jurisdictional-based HAI surveillance activity while also identifying broad key stakeholder support for the establishment of a national program. A uniform surveillance program will also address growing concerns about hospital performance measurements and enable public reporting of hospital data.

Healthcare-associated Infections, Infection Prevention

Russo, P. L., Cheng, A. C., Mitchell, B. G., & Hall, L. (2018). Healthcare-associated infections in Australia: Tackling the 'known unknowns'. Australian Health Review, 42(2), 178-180. doi:10.1071/AH16223

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