Paul's Ecclesiological Application of Soma Christou

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Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)

Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, Avondale Campus, 1984.

Published with permission from Andrews University.

Staff and Students of Avondale College may access a print copy of this thesis from Avondale College Library (227.066 F81).


Soma Christou is a central Pauline designation for the Church. Three questions are addressed in this thesis. First, to what extent is Paul using the metaphor? Secondly, in what way is Paul's use of Soma Christou in Colossians and Ephesians dependent upon his earlier application in Romans and 1 Corinthians? Thirdly, what is Paul saying to the contemporary reader concerning the nature of the Church and its relationship with Christ?

Time and space preclude an exhaustive treatment of the Soma Christou concept. Attention is focused upon the origin of the terminology, the extent to which metaphor is present, and the developments of the Soma Christou concept in the captivity epistles. In this research the historical-analytical hermeneutic is applied.

soma christou, church, unity, headship, body of christ, ecclesiology

Foster, D. (1984). Paul's ecclesiological application of Soma Christou. (Master's thesis). Andrews University, Avondale Campus, Australia.

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