Television as a Medium for Evangelism

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Project Report (M.A.)

Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, Avondale Campus, 1983.

Published with permission from Andrews University

Staff and Students of Avondale College may access a print copy of this thesis from Avondale College Library (253.78 D11).


The electronic communications media of today appear to offer almost limitless opportunities for communicating the message of the gospel to very large numbers of people. Television in particular occupies a primary place in communicating with people in the western world. A large proportion of the leisure time of many people is spent watching television. Nevertheless, the use of the television media by religious organizations, and individuals, is the subject of controversy.

The purpose of this project is: (i) to set forth a theology of evangelism; (ii) to discover the role of mass evangelism in the New Testament church; and (iii) to evaluate the use of television as an aid in fulfilling the commission of Jesus Christ to take the gospel to all the world.

television, evangelism

Dabson, J. R. (1983). Television as a medium for evangelism. (Master's project). Andrews University, Avondale Campus, Australia.

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