One Hundred-Fold Yield – Miraculous or Mundane? Matthew 13.8, 23; Mark 4.8, 20; Luke 8.8

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In the second volume of their ICC commentary on Matthew, as they comment on the parable of the sower, W. D. Davies and Dale C. Allison state that yields of thirty-fold, sixty-fold, or one hundred-fold ‘do not seem obviously out of the ordinary. We therefore register our disagreement with Jeremias. The yield in our parable is not spectacularly overdone.’ Davies and Allison are not alone in saying this of the yield of the seed that fell on the good soil in the parable, although most commentators do interpret the passage in terms of the miraculous yield of the seed sown on the good soil. This matter is of some importance in the interpretation of the parable, though, because if Davies and Allison are correct, then the parable has quite a different focus than that generally understood. The parable would then only highlight the variation in fruitage, not the miraculous yield.

religion, gospel, parable

McIver, R. K. (1994). One Hundred-Fold yield – miraculous or mundane? Matthew 13.8, 23; Mark 4.8, 20; Luke 8.8. New Testament Studies, 40(4), 606-608. doi:10.1017/S0028688500024024

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