A Second Front: Canon Garland, Chaplain Maitland Woods and Anglo-Catholicism in the Australian Imperial Force During the First World War

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The accepted manuscript version of this article is available for download.

This paper was originally presented at the Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies held from 2-4 December 2019, Somerville College, Oxford University, Oxford.


This article explores the work and influence of Anglo-Catholicism in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) during the Great War, based on reading the wartime correspondence of key AIF Anglo-Catholics, especially that of Canon David Garland and Chaplain William Maitland Woods. Anglo-Catholics were enthusiastic in support of the war, but simultaneously used it to promote Anglo-Catholicism, and combat what they perceived to be the errors of non Anglo-Catholic Anglicanism and the various Protestant groups, opening what might be considered a second front against these religions.

First AIF, army chaplains, Anglo-Catholicism, Canon David Garland, Chaplain Maitland Woods

Reynaud, D. (2021). A second front: Canon Garland, Chaplain Maitland Woods and Anglo-Catholicism in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 72(1), 95-112. doi:10.1017/S0022046920000743

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