Are They Ready? Accounting Academics' Perspectives of the Preparedness of New Student Cohorts

avondale-bepress-to-dspace.peer_review_statusPeer reviewed before publication
avondale-bepress.abstract<p>The research reported here has as its central question of how do Australian accounting academics perceive the preparedness of students to study accounting at university. The research looks at how well prepared new cohorts of accountancy students are to engage. The research found that accounting academics identified four success factors required for students to study accounting at first year university level, identifying those needing to be addressed prior to beginning study, and others within the course of study itself. These four success factors included the ability to participate in the course with an apropos level of English language proficiency, to commence with a certain level of assumed knowledge which is then further extended, to develop and utilise higher order thinking skills, and finally to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through written and verbal means.</p> <p>The findings, of the study reported here, provide insight into what students need as preparation to study accounting at university, using the Success Factor Timeline (SFT). The SFT bring together disparate concepts into one framework for consideration of student selection procedures and course design. It also provides appropriate scaffolding for first year students to better enable them for success, based on attributes they need to possess before commencing university studies, and attributes they can learn whilst at university.</p>
avondale-bepress.authorsWarrick R Long
avondale-bepress.authorsLisa Barnes
avondale-bepress.authorsAnthony Williams
avondale-bepress.authorsMaria T Northcote
avondale-bepress.field.comments<p>Used by permission: the author(s) and the <a href="">European Accounting Association</a></p>
avondale-bepress.field.custom_citation<p>Long, W., Barnes, L., Williams, A., & Northcote, M. (2018, June). <em>Are they ready? Accounting academics’ perspectives of the preparedness of new student cohorts</em>. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Congress, Milan, Italy.</p>
avondale-bepress.field.field_of_education08 Management and Commerce
avondale-bepress.field.for150199 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability not elsewhere classified
avondale-bepress.field.peer_reviewBefore publication
avondale-bepress.field.proceedingsEuropean Accounting Association Congress
avondale-bepress.field.source_publication<p>This conference presentation was originally published as:</p> <p>Long, W., Barnes, L., Williams, A., & Northcote, M. (2018, June). <em>Are they ready? Accounting academics’ perspectives of the preparedness of new student cohorts</em>. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Congress, Milan, Italy.</p>
avondale-bepress.keywordsAustralian accounting academics
avondale-bepress.keywordsaccounting student cohorts; student preparedness
avondale-bepress.keywordsSuccess Factor Timeline
avondale-bepress.publication-titleBusiness Conference Papers
avondale-bepress.titleAre They Ready? Accounting Academics' Perspectives of the Preparedness of New Student Cohorts
dc.contributor.authorNorthcote, Maria T.
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Anthony
dc.contributor.authorBarnes, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorLong, Warrick R.
dc.description.abstract<p>The research reported here has as its central question of how do Australian accounting academics perceive the preparedness of students to study accounting at university. The research looks at how well prepared new cohorts of accountancy students are to engage. The research found that accounting academics identified four success factors required for students to study accounting at first year university level, identifying those needing to be addressed prior to beginning study, and others within the course of study itself. These four success factors included the ability to participate in the course with an apropos level of English language proficiency, to commence with a certain level of assumed knowledge which is then further extended, to develop and utilise higher order thinking skills, and finally to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through written and verbal means.</p> <p>The findings, of the study reported here, provide insight into what students need as preparation to study accounting at university, using the Success Factor Timeline (SFT). The SFT bring together disparate concepts into one framework for consideration of student selection procedures and course design. It also provides appropriate scaffolding for first year students to better enable them for success, based on attributes they need to possess before commencing university studies, and attributes they can learn whilst at university.</p>
dc.description.versionBefore publication
dc.identifier.citation<p>Long, W., Barnes, L., Williams, A., & Northcote, M. (2018, June). <em>Are they ready? Accounting academics’ perspectives of the preparedness of new student cohorts</em>. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Congress, Milan, Italy.</p>
dc.provenance<p>This conference presentation was originally published as:</p> <p>Long, W., Barnes, L., Williams, A., & Northcote, M. (2018, June). <em>Are they ready? Accounting academics’ perspectives of the preparedness of new student cohorts</em>. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Congress, Milan, Italy.</p>
dc.rights<p>Used by permission: the author(s) and the <a href="">European Accounting Association</a></p>
dc.subjectAustralian accounting academics
dc.subjectaccounting student cohorts; student preparedness
dc.subjectSuccess Factor Timeline
dc.titleAre They Ready? Accounting Academics' Perspectives of the Preparedness of New Student Cohorts
dc.typeConference Publication
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