A Reflective and Quantitative Investigation of Relationships Between Aural Dictation, Sight Singing, Performance and Composition Skills

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Used by permission: the author

The print copy of this thesis is held in the Avondale College Library (SC Theses 780.71 R63).


This study combined two independent investigations into the relationships between aural dictation, sight singing, performance and composition skills. The first investigation involved the composition of a suite of piano pieces as a means of reflecting on the functional relationships between these skills. These reflections found evidence for strong relationships between skills. The second investigation involved results obtained from the NSW Board of Studies Music 2 2010 and 2011 HSC Examinations. Data was taken from the mandatory aural dictation, sight singing, performance and composition examination tasks. The statistical correlation between each task was examined with the highest correlations being between aural dictation and sight singing. Further analysis of top achieving students found that top results in multipart aural dictations were the best predictor of high achievement in other skill areas including sight singing, performance and composition.

aural dictation, sight singing, performance, composition

Rogers, M. J. (2012). A reflective and quantitative investigation of relationships between aural diction, sight singing, performance and compositional skills (Master's thesis, Avondale College, Cooranbong, Australia). Retrieved from https://research.avondale.edu.au/theses_masters_research/14

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