Volume 8 Issue 1


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Captains of the Soul: A History of Australian Army Chaplains
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Reynaud, Daniel
  • Publication
    Anzac's Long Shadow: The Cost of Our National Obsession
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Reynaud, Daniel
  • Publication
    Taking God to School. The End of Australia's Egalitarian Education?
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Spoor, Rommert
  • Publication
    The World Is Not Ours to Save: Finding the Freedom to Do Good
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Brown, Nathan
  • Publication
    Transforming Classroom Practice
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Brown, Joshua

    Is it possible to encourage the development of discerning reading habits in students by using a blog?

  • Publication
    Post-School Transition-Preparation for High School Students with Disabilities: A Vital Issue for Special Education
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Shields, Marion; Lawson, Jody

    This article discusses why the post-secondary transition of high school students with disabilities is so important and notes research which suggests that many schools struggle to achieve the desired outcomes when it comes to the successful transitioning of young disabled youth into post-schooling life.

  • Publication
    Teaching Faith in the Twenty First Century: Pointers for Christian Schools
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Hill, Barry
  • Publication
    What Matters Most
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Leo, Graham
  • Publication
    Research: What Potential Does it Hold for Teacher Practitioners?
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Kilgour, Peter; Williams, Anthony

    The teaching profession finds itself at the crossroads

    at this time. because the crowded curriculum

    and the emphasis on core competencies including

    literacy and numeracy can have the tendency to push

    research training into the background. The question

    should be asked though, is research capability a skill

    practicing teachers should be engaging with? Is

    reconstructing the curricula of universities to make

    research preparation a priority worth pursuing?

    The following paper considers the issue of research

    and what it can add to teacher practitioners’ “arsenal”

    of capabilities. The authors believe that there is value

    in reconsidering the curriculum of teachers, as there

    are many ways in which teachers can be informed

    and inform knowledge about teaching. The ability to

    apply research capabilities to the teaching context

    can significantly benefit the profession and more

    importantly its’ students.

  • Publication
    On Interdisciplinary Learning
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Heslop, Jim
  • Publication
    "Knowing Well" in the Classroom: Epistemic Challenges and Competencies
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Morton, Lindsay

    The purpose of this investigation is to build

    on Faull’s research by unpacking three of these areas:

    an in-depth knowledge of subject matter; currency

    of knowledge; and the willingness to be a learner.

    The term “epistemic responsibility”—specifically,

    the imperative on a teacher to “know well”—will be

    explored within this framework.

  • Publication
    The Relationship Between School Climate and Student Bullying
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Petrie, Kevin

    This study investigates the relationship between

    student perceptions of school climate and self reported

    bullying between students. Data were

    collected from 604 students in 59 regular grade

    5-6 classrooms, within 20 state schools in Victoria,

    Australia. A significant negative relationship was

    found between measures of positive school climate

    and the prevalence of student peer bullying.

    Implications for classroom teachers and school

    administrators are discussed. The importance of

    measuring and monitoring students’ involvement

    in bullying and perceptions of school climate is


  • Publication
    Making a Teachers Day: World Teachers Day - ACE Awards
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Phelps, Melissa
  • Publication
    The Application of Multiple Intelligences in Two Year 7 Textile Technology Classes
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Kilgour, Peter; Ormsby, Gail; Cameron, Brianna

    In a teaching and learning environment that embraces innovation, inclusion and effectiveness, it is essential to acknowledge students’ individual learning styles to promote optimum learning. While multiple intelligences (MI) theory considers students’ interest, it has been more often applied in teaching mathematics, science and music subjects. This study applied the theory of MI within two year seven textile technology classes. Data were collected from student group assessments, surveys and daily engagement levels. The results of the study show that groups whose members shared similar MI reported having a more positive experience than groups that were not specifically MI assigned. Further, those groups including different MI sets were observed to be slower to commence an assigned class task, but developed a deeper understanding of class objectives as they encouraged, motivated and worked collaboratively together. Designing intentional teaching styles and explaining tasks for different MI resulted in more students knowing what was expected of them and fewer questions about the tasks.

  • Publication
    Suzuki Organ in Australia: A Musical Revelation in Organ Pedagogy
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Clark, David
  • Publication
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2014-01-01) Perry, Graeme
  • Publication
    (2010-07-01) de Berg, Kevin C.