Volume 10 Issue 1


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    The Cry of the Teacher's Soul
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Rieger, Janet
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    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Perry, Graeme
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    Summer Fades
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Nash, Adele
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    Irlen Syndrome: Why the Cool Coloured Shades?
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Shields, Marion; Martin, Bradley; Heine, Melissa

    In a world of inclusive education and assistive technologies, it is more important than ever to ensure every member of the class is given the opportunity of a sound education. This may present a challenge when almost every classroom includes students with additional and specific needs. MISViS (Meares-Irlen Syndrome Visual Stress) is one example of a learning disability that will require additional accommodations, but can be readily managed once a teacher is familiar with the individual’s needs.

  • Publication
    Australia's Medical Marijuana Subterfuge
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Christian, Gary

    It is a little known fact that medical cannabis has been legally available on prescription from General Practitioners for more than 18 years in Australia. The curious media calls to ‘legalise’ an already legal medication has generated the illusion that medical cannabis has always been as illegal as its recreational use, and that State and Federal Governments really do need to make the legality of medical cannabis a reality. So why has the Australian media almost uniformly been keeping the Australian public in the dark about the already legal status of medical cannabis, and why has it campaigned so strongly and deceptively about something we have long had, albeit rarely used? This discussion informs educators and potentially their students, particularly in areas within current personal development and health curricula.

  • Publication
    Beyond Telling: Narrating Trauma in the Wartime Writings of Great War Chaplain William McKenzie
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Rickett, Carolyn; Bogacs, Paul; Reynaud, Daniel

    In a centenary period of Anzac celebration that is often given to the valorising of soldiers’ heroic experiences of the First World War, this article introduces teachers to a case study of William McKenzie. Once a house-hold name, the legendary Salvation Army Chaplain of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) McKenzie documented his responses to the trauma of war in his prolific letters and diaries. Drawing heavily on primary sources, this article suggests that McKenzie’s story recaptures the essence of what it means to be Christian educators: being engaged in the midst of suffering, disarray and confusion. In the variety of human experiences encountered in the classroom and the playground, the presence of Christian educators must leave a legacy and provide a model for being salt and light.

  • Publication
    Developing a Culture of Learning by Making Thinking Visible
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) England, Sandra; Delvin, Raelene
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    Holistic School Improvement: The Journey in Australian Adventist Schools
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Murdoch, Daryl

    This organisational journey traces transition from an initial recognition of an archaic ‘inspectorial model’ of school evaluation to an encompassing holistic school improvement process. A description of how the world’s best practice informed this challenge for schools to engage in further strengthening of their professional learning cultures includes the development of consultation, structures, procedures, policy and process. Key changes emerged that have resulted in a self evaluation process that is internally driven, focused on a culture of improvement and excellence (The Community of Faith and Learning), but supported by the whole system. This support is represented within A Model of Aligned Cultural Change in Adventist Schools. Three supporting development pillars—the Quality Adventist Schools Framework (QASF), Data Driven Decision-making and Quality Adventist Schools Cyclic Reviews (QASCRs)—build upon the foundational elements of purpose and resources, to support the ultimate goal of Christfocused, service-orientated, excellent student outcomes. In the rapidly changing educational context within Australia and internationally, Christian schools need to ensure they are delivering the very best educational program possible. System implementation by Adventist Schools Australia (ASA) predicts schools can successfully evaluate the extent to which they are meeting stakeholder expectations, delivering on system priorities and implementing strategic initiatives to optimise their success.

  • Publication
    Teaching with Interactive Simulations: One Small Contribution Toward Science Education for all
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Geelan, David R.

    Many of the greatest challenges facing humanity in coming decades have a scientific component: energy needs, disease pandemics, water and food security, climate change, machine intelligence and many not yet imagined. The tendency has been to assume that the solutions to these challenges will be developed by scientists, engineers and technologists, but it is increasingly important that all citizens have sufficient understanding of science to participate in the democratic processes that are necessary to address major issues. Enhancing the science education of all citizens is a huge challenge in itself, and will require a very wide range of strategies and approaches. One small contribution can come from teaching approaches using new technologies, including interactive simulations. This paper briefly describes interactive simulations and an approach to teaching using them, and addresses evidence of the effectiveness of this approach. Outcomes showed significant learning gains, relative to a control group, that were not differentiated by gender, or for students at different levels of academic achievement, suggesting that this approach may be effective as one contribution toward science education for all.

  • Publication
    Understanding History: Seventh-day Adventists and their Perspectives
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Reynaud, Daniel

    History is never abstract. It is always the story of how we came to believe and act the way we do today. Understanding the history of a particular denomination can transform discussions of contemporary issues from divisive stonethrowing to a more sensitive awareness of how and why certain beliefs and practices are current, or are currently under threat of change. And a knowledge of a Seventh-day Adventist understanding of history explains a great deal about the church and touches on many of the key conflicts and controversies that have affected, and currently affect, the church. Hence, it is topical for the teacher in Adventist schools, and by parallel, to teachers in all Christian schools.

  • Publication
    Exploring Spirituality in the Teacher-Leadership Role of Mentoring Through Collaborative Action Research
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Gibson, Alaster

    This paper reports on a collaborative action research project exploring spirituality in teacher-leadership through the life-world of a New Zealand Christian school principal. The participant focused on the teacher-leadership role of mentoring colleagues towards more effective teaching practices and improvement in the Christian culture of the school community. The findings show that mentoring is a long term relational commitment that remains faithful to the Christian vision and values of the school. By modelling humility, compassion and a godly resolve to encourage quality Christian education, the principal witnessed transformation in teachers’ practice and the culture of the learning community.

  • Publication
    Transforming Classroom Practice
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Perry, Graeme; Vaughan, Peter
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    Let Me Do it and I will Learn: Investigating Three Models of Student-Centred Learning
    (Avondale Academic Press, 2016-07-25) Kilgour, Peter W.; Dobson, Neroli

    Three techniques that foster student-centred learning were trialed in Year 10 English and History classes at a small Queensland school. These included the Socratic Seminar, the Graffiti Model and the Pirozzo Matrix. It was found that each of these methods created discussion, involvement, cooperation and learning at many levels. Ideas were shared by students, all students became involved and differentiation of learning was made possible. Overall there was a greater level of cooperation within the class.